Blonde Naso Tang Large
The Blonde Naso Tang, Naso elegans, also known as the Elegant Tang or the Orangespine Unicornfish, due to the pair of spines surrounded by a bright orange area on either side of the caudal peduncle. Featuring an elongated body shape with a narrow caudal peduncle that distinguish this genus from other Acanthurids. Unlike other Unicornfish however, they do not develop a protruding horn. Their body is a grayish brown color with a bright yellow line running from the back of the mouth up to the eye. The snout and in front of this line is black, and the lips are and orange color, making it look like they have lipstick on. Just above the eyes, there is a pale yellow color stripe that continues back on to the dorsal fin and continues along the entire length of the spine to the tail. Just below this yellow stripe is a narrow black stripe highlighted with a bold white stripe, with the ventral and anal fins being a dusky color. All three of these fins are thinly edged in white on the outer margin. For Males, the caudal fin develops beautiful elongated filaments or streamers from each corner when mature. Like all Naso species, they have the ability to quickly and dramatically change, depending on mood or environment. When excited or hiding in the reef their body can become almost black with gray splotchy patches.
The Blonde Naso Tang likes water with a moderate to heavy flow, creating currents to swim in. Being very active during the day, they require a large tank with plenty of open room to swim about while also providing plenty of live rocks and or Corals to offer some cover if frightened, and to sleep in at night. Lush natural algae growth in the tank is suggested in order for the Tang to be able to graze upon in between meals. They may also jump out of an open aquarium, so be sure to have a tightly fitting lid.
Being a peaceful fish in nature, it will get along with most other peaceful tank mates. Though it can be kept with a variety of tank mates this species has been known to become aggressive towards other Surgeonfish, especially those of its own genus, it is best to to keep only one Blonde Naso Tang per system.
Their diet should consist of natural algae, as well as prepared frozen formulas containing algae or spirulina. Japanese Nori or other seaweed can be offered by attaching it with a vegetable clip to a rock or the glass. Vitamin enriched frozen brine and mysis shrimp should also be offered to help with a balanced diet. Live rock with heavy algae growth is ideal, as it will allow the Tang to scrape it teeth along the rock.